Acne is a persistent problem that affects many people, so if you are suffering from acne, it is first important to acknowledge that you are not alone. That said, solving acne problems is easier than you may think. Read on for some proven advice for dealing with recurring acne issues.If you wear make-up or a cleanser that is oil based, stop using it! These oil based products are horrible for acne. Since your body already produces oils naturally, adding more oils to your skin will only serve to increase your chances of developing acne problems. Instead, look for oil free products.

Sliced or grated cucumber applied directly to problem areas can be a great treatment for acne. In the same way that cucumber helps tighten up skin around the eyes, it can reduce the size of enlarged pores as well as hydrate the skin. Apply the cucumber and leave it on for about 15 minutes for maximum benefit.

If you are experiencing troubling acne on your face, try using an exfoliating buff, to apply your face wash in the morning and at night. Using gentle circular motions on your face, the course texture of the buff will help encourage new cell growth, as it buffs off old layers of skin.A great way to avoid breakouts and acne is by keeping your hair out of your face.

If you have long hair or bangs, the dirt and oils from your hair can transfer to your face. The oils and dirt will contribute to clogged pores, eventually leading to a breakout.To get rid of your acne, consider buying an anti-acne cream.

You might have to try different brands to find one that works for you. Many anti-acne creams are going to make your skin too dry or irritate it. You can compensate this by using a hydrating cream too.